Introduction: The formation and the development of graphomotor skills in children with language deficits in primary school age is a difficult and long process, and its disturbance leads to serious problems not only with the process of literation but also disrupt the purely academical learning.
Purpose: The aim of our study is to show the level of formation of graphomotor skills in children with language deficits in primary school age before and after the implementation of a system of therapeutic techniques, approaches and methods based on both the world’s and Bulgarian’s experience in the area of therapy of disturbance in graphomotor skills.Â
Material and Method: The study encompasses a total of  40 children in primary school, aged 7-8, who were subjected to logopedic therapy aimed to overcome difficulties in graphomotor skills. It was conducted for a period of 5 years. The therapy was done either individually or in groups of 2 children.
Results: The data from test 1 and test 2 show development and maturation of structures in the left hemisphere: frontoparietal and basal temporal, responsible for functioning of the spatial orientation and ideomotor apraxia. For this reason the 7-8 years age group can be considered sensible for development of graphomotor skills as a component of formation of the written form of language and is especially suitable for intensive logopedic therapy aimed for its formation.
Conclusion: The implemented therapeutic techniques during the logopedic therapy are aimed not only for establishing the occulo-spacial orientation but also for formation and development of language competence, which are directly linked to formation of the written form of language.
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